Year 4

Welcome to Year 4! Here you can find out all about what we will be learning this year. We hope you find the information below clear and engaging. If you need further information, please feel free to reach out to our team who will be happy to help.

Classes in Year 4

Hockney –  Mrs Walsh (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and Mrs Remington Davidson (Wednesday)

You can contact us at

Lichtenstein – Mrs Parrett (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) and Mrs Remington Davidson (Monday and Friday) 

You can contact us at

We also also very lucky to have Mrs Breen assisting across the Year 4 team.

Year 4 Curriculum

Each term our units are carefully planned to ensure all of the objectives for Year 4 are taught in an appropriate sequence. You can find out all about the content of each subject area by visiting our Curriculum Page and selecting the subject you are interested in.

Please see our Curriculum Overview below. In addition, our Termly Curriculum Newsletter will also provide you with the key dates and an overview of all the exciting learning that will be taking place that term.

Year 4 Curriculum Overview 2024-2025 can be found on the school website - Year 4 Overview 2024 2025

Current Termly Curriculum Newsletter - Year 4 Autumn Term Newsletter

Meet the Teacher  - Y4 Meet the Teacher


PE: Both Year 4 classes will have their PE lessons on a Thursday afternoon. The children are required to wear their school uniform in the morning and will need to change in the school changing rooms during lunch time. 

Water bottles: Kindly ensure that your child has a water bottle with them each day, these can be replenished during the course of the school day.

News and events: Coming soon!

Home Learning: All children have been given a QR code (label stuck in to their homework book) with access to their home learning through EdShed.  If your child does not have the QR code then please get in touch with the class teacher. 

Maths: We will be kicking off our learning journey by looking in more depth at 4-digit numbers, progressing on from addition and subtraction through to multiplication and division.

In order to support your child with their maths please take a look at the Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS) that are a requirement for year 4.

 Year 4 KIRFS Autumn 2

Multiplication Table Check - this is a year 4 requirement  more information can be found here MTC Parents Leaflet 2024

English: Autumn 2 will kick off with year 4 developing their letter writing skills.

Humanities: We will be finding out about the Romans in our history lessons and learning about 'The World Jigsaw' in our geography lessons, which should enthuse the children with map reading skills and a desire to get out and about - or so we hope!

Reading: All children will be encouraged to read, both at school and at home and will have access to appropriate level books from the school library.


Recommended Books for Year 4 - Year 4 recommended reads

Reading is a great way to improve learning progress in all curriculum areas. We understand it is often difficult for parents and carers to decide which books to buy for their children. The link above will take you to the Books for Topics Recommended Reads page.


How to Support Your Child at Home
Reading - listen to your child read three times a week for at least 10 minutes, more if you can.
Phonics - more information coming soon!
Maths - opportunities to practise our maths skills can be found everywhere, shops, car number plates, the park - all over.  What maths can you make when you are with your child?