
Mathematics is taught using the National Curriculum. We use the Ark Maths Curriculum+ Scheme in Year 1 through to Year 6 and apply the principles in our Reception provision. We have adapted the Ark Maths Curriculum + Scheme to also include Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRF's) to allow further development of maths fluency. The fluency in our maths curriculum is developed in order to reduce cognitive load and enhance our pupils’ abilities to reason and solve problems. We have also further adapted the Ark Maths Curriculum+ Scheme to add additional problem solving sessions. With increasing sophistication children learn to talk mathematically, developing their vocabulary through talk tasks. Across the school, children learn to use technology confidently to support and enhance their mathematics, broadening their skillset and understanding of the subject’s fascinating diversity.

Maths curriculum overview

Maths curriculum content overview

KIRFs overview and progression